Celebrating 105 years of Scouting in Madeira
Boy Scout Troop 209 was founded in 1918 to serve young men in the Madeira area. We meet every Tuesday evening from 7:00-8:15 at the Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church. Read more about us or use our Contact Form to request additional information or setup a visit.
Madeira Directory
Get your copy of the Madeira Directory while supplies last!
There are several easy ways to purchase a Madeira Directory:
- Pick one up at the City Admin Building, Kroger, McCabe’s, or Adrian’s.
- Mail a check for $8 with your name and address to: Boy Scout Troop 209, Madeira Directory, PO Box 43525, Cincinnati OH 45243.
- Order online at https://madeiratroop209.
square.site/ .
Additional information about the Madeira Directory can be found at https://madeiratroop209.com/directories/ .
Thanks for supporting Boy Scout Troop 209!