For those going to Merit Badge Challenge.
Saturday 2/7 – Merit Badge Challenge (Day 1). We will meet at MSPC at 7:30am to caravan to Sycamore High School. We should return to MSPC around 1:15pm. Boys will need 3 self-addressed stamp envelops, their pre-work, pen/pencil/old notebook and the merit badge book (if available). There is a concession stand that boys usually like to buy snacks/soda from, no more than $5 is necessary.
Saturday 2/21 and Saturday 2/28 – Merit Badge Challenge (Day 2 & 3). We will meet at MSPC at 7:45am to caravan to Sycamore High School. We should return to MSPC around 1:15pm. Boys will need 3 self-addressed stamp envelops (if not already handed into counselor), their pre-work (if applicable), pen/pencil/old notebook and the merit badge book (if available). There is a concession stand that boys usually like to buy snacks/soda from, no more than $5 is necessary.
NOTE – day 1 we need to be there a little early as that day there is more that needs to be communicated and such to all attendees. One of these dates, we will need to stay behind for 10-15 extra minutes to clean up in the classrooms. At this time I don’t know which day it will be I will let you know when we find out.
Let me know if you have any questions.