A Note from Mr. Fitzgerald

As we wind down the calendar year, I wanted to make you aware of a few last things.

  1. Tuesday 12/22 – the boys will be having a party which includes a $5 gift exchange. This is a “blind exchange” where they will draw a number from a hat and select a gift in that order.
  2. Tuesday 12/29 – we will NOT have a meeting
  3. Tuesday 1/5/16 – back to the normal schedule which include the PLC meeting at 5:45pm for all members of the PLC
  4. Saturday 1/30/16 – first day of Merit Badge Challenge. Many of the Merit Badge your sons will be working to earn have pre-work that needs to be done PRIOR to the start. The next two weeks is the best time to complete this work. If your son changed their merit badges with Mr. Zack, hopefully they remember. If not, they should talk to Mr. Zack tomorrowOR call him.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!