Category Archives: Website

Information about website changes or enhacments


Greetings Troop 209,

It’s time for us to re-up our Charter and collect National dues. Attached is a form similar to our camp out forms that we will be using this year to collect/update your info and determine how you would like to pay.
Please return this form and payment to the camping in-bin by our  Nov 14 Troop meeting. If you can’t make a Troop meeting before the deadline, the form and payment can be mailed to: Boy Scout Troop 209 | P.O. Box 43525, Madeira, Ohio 45243.
Everyone that recharters this year will receive our new Centennial Troop numeral patch.

New Rank Requirements

Effective Jan 1, 2016 there are new rank requirements. When the new requirements take effect for you is outlined below:

  1. Scouts who joined the Boy Scouts of America on or after Jan. 1, 2016
    • MUST follow the rank requirements as printed in the 2016 Boy Scout Handbook
  2. Scouts who joined the BSA prior to Jan. 1, 2016:
    • Who are working on the Tenderfoot through First Class ranks MAY continue to follow the old requirements, but MUST convert to the current requirements upon attaining First Class.
    • Who have completed the First Class rank MAY complete the rank they are currently working on in the old requirements, but MUST convert to the current requirements for subsequent ranks.
    • Beginning Jan. 1, 2017, all Scouts MUST use the current requirements regardless of rank.

Handouts that can be attached to your current handbook listing the new requirements will be handed out soon.

If you would like to learn more about the new requirements go to Bryan on Scouting – New Requirements


Trailer Cleaned out – Gear available to good home

Our stationary trailer has been completely cleaned out, rehabbed and the inside painted. Thanks to Mr. Cross, Mr. Winters, Mr. Kimbrough and all the boys that assisted. With this cleaning, we have some equipment that we no longer need or haven’t used in years. Below is a list of items that we are giving away. First come, first served. Please see Mr. Winters or Mr. Kimbrough if you are interested in any of these items. We will hold them for just a few more weeks and then they will be donated, recycled or thrown out.

Also, Mr. Winters is looking for help in resealing the trailer on Tuesday 9/29 at 6:30. If you can assist, if you have an extension ladder, caulk gun, and tools for removing old caulk please bring them. Caulk will be provided.

Items Available

  • Kerosene, 1 gal
  • Water Containers, 5 gal – x4
  • Water Coolers, various volumes – x5
  • Plastic Buckets, small – x10
  • Tarps, various sizes – x6
  • Inflatable Mattress, double – x2
  • Large Aluminum Pot – x1
  • Small Dutch Oven – x1
  • Propane Hoses, 8 ft. – x6
  • Propane Lantern Globes – x2
  • Coleman Stove, white gas – x1
  • 3-Person Tents, Dome – x6