Campout Update #2

For those going camping this weekend.

Mr. Cross (Committee Chair), Mr. Gravlee (Activities Coordinator) and I have been actively monitoring the weather patterns all day and it still appears at this point that Portsmouth, OH (Camp OYO area) is going to get hit with 8-12 inches of snow right around the time that we will be traveling to the camp. This is a weather hazard and something that we are not willing to risk your boys safety. We have looked for alternatives north and west that would have heated accommodations since Saturday night is expected to be 10 degrees. We have had no luck at this late stage in the planning. It is our opinion/feeling that the boys are not prepared to sleep in tents in potentially single to lower teen temperatures.  Therefore we are making the “executive decision” to cancel the campout.

We are still working on an alternative outing for Saturday only (no overnight). I will have more information about this out later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Sorry for this late notice but we were hoping that the weather patterns would change but as of now they have not. Safety comes first.

If you have already purchased the food for the weekend, please let me know individually and we can work out how to deal with the food (saving it, freezing it for the next campout, etc.)

Please stay tuned to your e-mail for more information about Saturday.

Mr. Fitz

Campout Update

As you are likely aware, it appears that the Portsmouth area is going to get hit pretty hard with snow tomorrow. We are currently looking into alternative for this weekend. Thanks for your patience as we work through this. We may end up at Camp Friedlander but we don’t know any logistics at this point.

I hope to get back with you before the food is all purchased just in case.

More to come later today.

New Rank Requirements

Effective Jan 1, 2016 there are new rank requirements. When the new requirements take effect for you is outlined below:

  1. Scouts who joined the Boy Scouts of America on or after Jan. 1, 2016
    • MUST follow the rank requirements as printed in the 2016 Boy Scout Handbook
  2. Scouts who joined the BSA prior to Jan. 1, 2016:
    • Who are working on the Tenderfoot through First Class ranks MAY continue to follow the old requirements, but MUST convert to the current requirements upon attaining First Class.
    • Who have completed the First Class rank MAY complete the rank they are currently working on in the old requirements, but MUST convert to the current requirements for subsequent ranks.
    • Beginning Jan. 1, 2017, all Scouts MUST use the current requirements regardless of rank.

Handouts that can be attached to your current handbook listing the new requirements will be handed out soon.

If you would like to learn more about the new requirements go to Bryan on Scouting – New Requirements


January Campout

Attached is the permission form for the January 22-24 campout at Camp OYO in Portsmouth, OH.  This is a neat scout camp that we used several years ago. For those that went last time, you may remember the ton of snow that we had, the snowball fights, the dog that led us on our hike and the unheated cabin.

GOOD NEWS – we have reserved the fully heated cabin this time. We will be sleeping on bunks. The theme has changed slightly from Junk Yard Wars to BSA Ninja Wars. The troop will be split into several smaller groups (mixing ages and skill sets) to build 6-8 obstacles for a competitive obstacle course using Scout skills and ingenuity. They will also be having a Dutch oven desert cook-off on Saturday night (adults will judge). Looks to be another outstanding campout.

Adults – I know that we will do down at least 3-4 of our “regular camping dads”, which translates into less seatbelts. Adults are always welcome, this may be one that we could use some additional weekend campers. I will know more after next Tuesday but if you are available and looking for some fun, I invite you to join us for the weekend.


Form Link: ConsentForm-OYO1-22-16.doc

A Note from Mr. Fitzgerald

As we wind down the calendar year, I wanted to make you aware of a few last things.

  1. Tuesday 12/22 – the boys will be having a party which includes a $5 gift exchange. This is a “blind exchange” where they will draw a number from a hat and select a gift in that order.
  2. Tuesday 12/29 – we will NOT have a meeting
  3. Tuesday 1/5/16 – back to the normal schedule which include the PLC meeting at 5:45pm for all members of the PLC
  4. Saturday 1/30/16 – first day of Merit Badge Challenge. Many of the Merit Badge your sons will be working to earn have pre-work that needs to be done PRIOR to the start. The next two weeks is the best time to complete this work. If your son changed their merit badges with Mr. Zack, hopefully they remember. If not, they should talk to Mr. Zack tomorrowOR call him.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


Permission form is due Tuesday 12/15!!!!


Thanks for your patience as we worked to get all the logistics and such figured out for this 3 part event. Attached is the permission form for our Lockin (12/18) and Matthew 25/Bowling (12/19). The boys will get more information at the 12/15 Troop meeting about what to bring and not to bring to the lockin. For those that have gone in the past, nothing has changed (no games rated M or higher, no movies rated above PG13, etc.).


Friday 12/18 – Lockin starts at 8:00pm, we will have a light late night snack, boys should eat dinner before coming

Saturday 12/19 –Matthew 25 at 9:00-11:00, wear comfortable close toed shoes, the warehouse does get chilly, we will provide breakfast

Saturday 12/19 – Bowling from 11:30-1:30, shoes are provided, we will provide lunch, boys will need a few dollars if they want soda (water is free)

Saturday 12/19 – back to the church at 2:00


ADULTS – if you are attending the M25 Volunteer Event, please complete the attached form, include your son on the form, I will claim all the other boys as my own. Completing the form in advance just speeds up the process. Bring this with you on Saturday 12/19.


Parents not attending – this gives you from 8:00pm Friday through 2:00pm Saturday to get all your shopping and wrapping done without your son knowing (ha, ha).



M25M Family Volunteer Form

Rock Climbing 12/5

Attached are the TWO required forms for our rock climbing on December 5th at Climb Time (Kenwood Road).

This is a cash only event, please bring exact change as this helps get the boys on the wall quicker.

  1. We will leave from and return to the church
  2. Any adults who wish to run the belay lines, can take a quick course for $5. If you are already trained, it is no charge.
  3. Forms are due Tuesday December 1st to ensure we have enough adults to drive and belay
    1. Consent Form – ClimbTime 12-5-15
    2. ClimbTime_Waiver