Meeting schedule and merit badge counselor list

The Troop had a great week at Summer Camp. Hopefully your Scouts have recovered from all the fun.
In this post:
Meeting Schedule
Mark your calendars
Blue cards
Partial Merit Badges
Meeting Schedule
7/24 – Meeting
7/31 – Off
8/7 – Meeting & PLC
8/14 – Off
8/21 – Meeting, return to meeting every Tuesday
Mark your calendars 
Summer camp 2019 will be July 7-13. Mark your calendars now because camp is celebrating it’s 100th year and it’s bound to be FUN.
Scouts that took Trailblazer (Hot heads) at Summer camp should bring their handbooks to the Troop meeting. They learned many Scout skills and we want to test those skills and sign off, while it’s still fresh. If your Scout can’t the meeting, we will get this done at their next meeting.
Blue cards
Keep those blue cards safe! Blue cards for incomplete badges (partials) were returned to the Scouts at the end of camp. Blue cards are used to track a Scout’s progress towards a Merit Badge. They are the only record of what requirements have been completed and if lost, the work will have to be repeated. Note: The blue cards for merit badges completed at camp were given directly to our Advancement chair so they can be presented at our next COH.
Partial Merit Badges
Scouts have several options for finishing their incomplete merit badges. They can return to camp during camp open time and work with their Summer camp counselor to complete their requirements (call ahead to coordinate). The Troop also has counselors for many of the merit badges, especially Eagle required badges (see the list below). Finally, Scouts can work with any qualified counselor to complete their badge. I can provide a list of qualified counselors to Scouts that ask.
Badge 209 Counselor
Backpacking Zubelik
Camping Wegenhart
Camping Winters
Citizenship in the Community Carpenter
Citizenship in the Community Wegenhart
Citizenship in the Nation Carpenter
Citizenship in the Nation Zubelik
Citizenship in the World Carpenter
Citizenship in the World Zubelik
Communications Carpenter
Cooking Winters
Digital Technology Zubelik
Engineering Shefcik
Engineering Zubelik, K
Environmental Science Wegenhart
Family Life Wegenhart
First Aid Corgan
Fish and Wildlife Management Wegenhart
Hiking Zubelik
Law Carpenter
Medicine Corgan
Nature Wegenhart
Personal Management Zubelik
Programming Zubelik
Scholarship Carpenter
Soil and Water Conservation Wegenhart
Space Exploration Zubelik, K

July 3rd Scout Meeting Canceled

Greetings all,

As your Scout likely told you, the Tuesday July 3rd meeting is canceled due to the Madeira 4th of July Festivities. July 10th we will be at Summer camp and July 17th we are taking off. So our next Troop meeting will be July 24th. Have a fun and safe 4th of July!
Mr Z

News / Summer camp / Action Items


Court of Honor is tomorrow. Parents are invited to come celebrate our Scouts achievements.

Med Forms – Action Required

 It’s that time again.. we need new medical forms from everyone.  The link for the medical form is below.  Section C is required for summer camp and needs a doctors signature. Please turn in your completed medical form by Tues June 19th. This includes adults attending summer camp or camp outs.

Summer Camp payment #2 due

Summer camp payment #2 is due by May 15th.

Summer camp forms

Below are links to some additional summer camp forms. You may need some or all. Please turn into the Troop by Tues June 19th

Climbing Form

Required: COPE, ACE, Climbing MB
Optional: anyone wishing to use the climbing tower. Strongly encouraged for all Scouts.

Cowboy Action

Required: N/a
Optional: Any Scout that is 14 years of age, or 13 and has completed the eighth grade, as of the start of the class.

Special Diet

Required: N/a
Optional: Scouts that have special diet needs, such as food allergies, kosher, etc.

May Camp out – Mountain biking

For our May camp out we will be mountain biking at John Bryant Stage Park. Bikes are available.

What: Mountain biking
Where: John Bryant State Park
When: May 11-13
Forms due: by the meeting on May 1st

Please have forms in my May 1st. Since we have Court of Honor we will be doing meal planning on the first.

John Bryan mountain biking



From the mulch team:

Saturday Apr 7th is the big mulch delivery! If you sold mulch this year you are expected to help deliver. Please be at the church for check-in by 8:00 AM this Saturday. Ensure that you have the proper clothing since it is going to be in the 40’s Saturday (Do NOTwear your uniform). Be prepared to get dirty. Also bring gloves, a water bottle, and an adult. Remember, you will receive 1/3 credit for selling, 1/3 credit for helping deliver, and the final 1/3 for having a parent or other adult help deliver.

We will be delivering mulch until it is gone (approx 4-5pm) and the more help that we have, the faster it goes. This is a fundraiser for the Scouts themselves as well as a team effort. By not helping, you are putting more burden on the other Scouts and parents to carry your load as the mulch still needs to be delivered. If you are arriving late, please check-in at the church parking lot to ensure that you get “delivery credit”.  If you need to leave during the course of the day for another activity or event, please come back to the church lot when you finish and we can locate a delivery team for you to join.

Breakfast will be available around 8:00 AM and a full luxurious lunch will be served around noon as delivery teams rotate in.

If you have any questions please let us know!

Kevin + Christian
Contact them

Youth Protection Update – Action Required

This is a special message to all registered adults(18+) in the Troop (including college reserve). Nationals has made some updates to the Youth Protection Policy and has released a new training. All registered adults must take the new training by Oct 1, 2018. The training is available online at Anyone can take the course by registering for an account on the site. If your BSA number is associated with your account we will see that the training is completed, otherwise print the completion certificate and drop off at any Tuesday meeting.


Nominations for the next Senior Patrol Leader are this week (4/3) and elections will be 4/17 (Note: this was changed from 4/10 due to a Track meet)

Court of Honor

Court of Honor is scheduled for Tues May 8th. This is earlier than previous years to avoid scheduling conflicts with the school.

High Adventure Meeting

We will have a meeting following our regular meeting on 4/10 from 8:30pm-9:30pm to talk about the 2018 and 2019 high adventure trips. Any Scout who will be 14+ by June 1, 2019 is invited to attend. We will cover the 2019 dive trip first and then 2018 WV trip. A parent for each interested Scout should attend (even if your Scout can’t make it). At this meeting we will discuss dates, cost, payment schedule, and other such details. We will be accepting checks if you would like to make the deposit to secure their spot on the trip.
Requirements for High adventure

* Be 14 years of age OR completed 8th Grade and be at least 13 years of age by date of departure
* Be First Class rank or higher by date of departure

Upcoming Events

Apr 7 – Mulch Delivery Day
Apr 20-22 – Red River Gorge / via ferreta camp out
May 8 – Court of Honor
May 11-13 – Mountain Biking camp out
May 28 – Memorial Day March

April Camp out – Red River Gorge: Via Ferrata

Greetings all,

For the April camp out we will be heading to Red River Gorge to do some climbing. But not just any rock climbing. We will be climbing horizontally via ferrata! To see what I’m talking about check out

When: Apr 20-22
What: Rock climbing via ferrata
Where: Meeting at MSPC at 4:30pm
Forms due: Tuesday Apr 10th.

Drivers: We will need some parents to drive. It’s about a 3 hour drive so I encourage anyone willing to drive to stay and camp with us. We can supply a tent if you need one. If you are willing to drive, but don’t want to climb, cross out climbing on the adult portion of the signup and write in $0.

    To participate your Scout needs to turn in 3 things:

  1. Signed Troop permission slip
  2. Signed south-east waiver
  3. Photo copy of drivers license of the parent who signed the waiver (front only)

These folks are diligent with their paperwork and having the photocopy proves mom/dad signed it.
