Our Mulch sale begins today. All orders need to be turned in by March 21. Delivery will be April 7.
Ski day at Prefect North
Greetings all,
Dec Climbing & Light up Madeira
We have 2 events on Dec 2nd. Rock climbing at Climb Time and Light up Madeira.
Please return the attached permission slip by our meeting on Tuesday Nov 28. You also need to use the link below to fill out Climb Time’s waiver on-line.
Greetings Troop 209,
Nov Campout: Wilderness Survival – Timberridge
Greetings Troop 209,
10/31 Troop Meeting Cancelled
Reminder that tonight’s Troop meeting is cancelled so Scouts and volunteers can participate in Halloween. Have a happy and safe Halloween!
Eagle Project: Brandon D.
Dear Fellow Scouts,
2017-2018 Troop Calendar
Here is the new calendar for the 2017-2018 Scout year. Please add the troop meetings and camp outs to your family’s and/or your Scout’s calendar. We have a great year planned and we don’t want him to miss any of the fun.
Josh Z Eagle Project
Josh Z. is going to be working on his eagle project Friday, 1/9/17 at 6:00 – 8:00 pm and Saturday at 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. An email was sent out to the Troop with how to contact Josh.