Missing Equipment

A message from Mr. Fitzgerald:

With a troop as large as ours with as much equipment that we own, it is sometimes difficult to keep an accurate count of all of the supplies as items get taken home and hopefully returned after being cleaned/dried. The vast majority of equipment gets returned with incident, but we are missing some items.
Please look around your garage, basement, laundry room, etc. to see if there is anything sitting around that obviously doesn’t belong to you (pans, utensils, pots, plates, tent stakes, etc.).  Please check around the house and return any found items ASAP.
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About MadeiraTroop209

Boy Scout Troop 209 has been serving Madeira's young men since 1918. We are a member of the Dan Beard Council, which serves Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Our troop meets every Tuesday from 7:00PM to 8:15PM at the Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church located at 8000 Miami Ave in Madeira, Ohio.