Author Archives: Web ASM

Meeting at MSPC

We are moving back to MSPC from Sellman Park. Tonight’s PLC’s Annual Activities Planning and regular Troop meeting will be back at the Church.

Medical Forms – it’s annual Refresh time

Instructions for EVERYONE (including new/crossover scouts):

All registered Scouts and Adults need to turn in a refreshed Medical Form, Parts A+B1+B2, which includes a copy of your insurance card (front and back).

Instructions for Summer Camp attendees:

In addition to the items under “Everyone”, all Scouts attending Summer Camp and any Adults spending the night at Summer Camp will need to have Part C completed and signed by a doctor. Please note the due date below and schedule your appointment to turn in your form before the deadline. Many pediatricians will allow you to drop off the form if they have seen your child recently.

Instructions for High Adventure attendees:

In addition to the items under “Summer Camp”, everyone attending the HA Trip need to bring Part D to their Part C physical.

Medical Forms Due Date:

June 11th. You can turn in your updated medical form at any regular Tuesday meeting.

Med forms for non-Troop activities:

If your Scout will be participating in any Scouting events individually (NYLT, OA, Camp staff, 2nd week at summer camp, etc) it is recommended that you make a second copy of their med form to use for these events. The Troop can’t “loan out” the completed medical forms, as the forms have a tendency to get lost or forgotten. The Troop needs to maintain these for all troop activities and campouts.

Rescue meds reminder:

If your Scout has rescue medications (such as inhalers or Epi-pens), please make sure they are un-expired.


High Adventure Med form: 680-001_summit.pdf (

Med form for Everyone else: 680-001_ABC.pdf (

The new 2024-2025 Madeira Directory is on sale now!  Get yours today!

There are 3 easy ways to get a copy ($8 each or two for $15):

  1. Pick one up at the City Admin Building, Madeira Kroger, McCabe’s Do It Center, or Adrian’s Pharmacy.
  2. Mail a check for $8 ($15 for 2) with your name and address to:  Boy Scout Troop 209, Madeira Directory, PO Box 43525, Cincinnati OH 45243
  3. Order online at

More info can be found on the Madeira Troop 209 website:

Merit Badge Challenge Update

Week #2 is this Saturday, Feb 3, we’ll meet at 7:45am at the church, then ride together to Butler Tech.  Wear full Class A, bring pre-work, homework, pen/paper, water bottle.  If your Scout can’t be there this week, they should contact their Counselors to see what they will miss and come up with a plan to make it up.  The goal is to get the work done and turned in while Merit Badge Challenge is still going on (partials are often a pain to complete).  Scouts should have the contact info for their Counselors (I might be able to help, if not).

Week #3 has been rescheduled to the morning of Saturday, Feb 17.  We’ll do trampolines after Merit Badge Challenge for a couple of hours (details to follow later this week).

Nov 7 – States Election in Fellowship Hall

State elections are being held in the Fellowship Hall tonight, Tuesday Nov 7. Our 5:45pm PLC and 7pm regular meeting will be held upstairs in the Chapel. To avoid disrupting the polling location, Scouts are asked not to use the Fellowship Hall entrance and to use the front entrances instead.