Greetings all,
Category Archives: Meetings
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From the mulch team:
Saturday Apr 7th is the big mulch delivery! If you sold mulch this year you are expected to help deliver. Please be at the church for check-in by 8:00 AM this Saturday. Ensure that you have the proper clothing since it is going to be in the 40’s Saturday (Do NOTwear your uniform). Be prepared to get dirty. Also bring gloves, a water bottle, and an adult. Remember, you will receive 1/3 credit for selling, 1/3 credit for helping deliver, and the final 1/3 for having a parent or other adult help deliver.
We will be delivering mulch until it is gone (approx 4-5pm) and the more help that we have, the faster it goes. This is a fundraiser for the Scouts themselves as well as a team effort. By not helping, you are putting more burden on the other Scouts and parents to carry your load as the mulch still needs to be delivered. If you are arriving late, please check-in at the church parking lot to ensure that you get “delivery credit”. If you need to leave during the course of the day for another activity or event, please come back to the church lot when you finish and we can locate a delivery team for you to join.
Breakfast will be available around 8:00 AM and a full luxurious lunch will be served around noon as delivery teams rotate in.
If you have any questions please let us know!
Kevin + Christian
Contact them
Youth Protection Update – Action Required
Court of Honor
High Adventure Meeting
* Be 14 years of age OR completed 8th Grade and be at least 13 years of age by date of departure
* Be First Class rank or higher by date of departure
Upcoming Events
10/31 Troop Meeting Cancelled
Reminder that tonight’s Troop meeting is cancelled so Scouts and volunteers can participate in Halloween. Have a happy and safe Halloween!
No Meeting Today – Summer Schedule Details
Upcoming Events and Summer Camp
2/14 – OA Elections – Elections to the Order of the Arrow (OA) are this Tuesday. We need at least half the troop present to hold the election, so please show up to the meeting if you can.
2/18 – Merit Badge Challenge — Last day. Be sure to bring any outstanding work. Class A uniforms
2/26 3:45pm – Webelos II Crossover – we are anticipating 6 boys crossing over. I would REALLY like a big crowd of Boy Scouts in attendance. It starts at 4pm so please be there by 3:45. We will meet at Camp Friedlander. Class A uniforms.
Reminder – we wear full Class A uniforms to all events/meetings until school lets out and then we move to Class B. If you need parts of a uniform, you can either purchase at Scout Shop on Reading Road or visit our gently used uniform closet at the church during a troop meeting.
Scout Physicals – it is never too early to schedule your physical for ’17-’18. . Those going to Summer Camp need parts A, B, C completed. If you are not going to summer camp, we still need parts A, B completed. This includes any adults who plan to camp with us. You can begin to turn these in as they are completed. Please have them completed by July 1st if possible.
Note: if you are going to Philmont you also need part D. Get it here.
Summer Camp Payment – Price for 2017 is $295, the price will include a new Troop 209 T-Shirt. Attached is the Payment Voucher and the due dates, please use the voucher when making a payment. Any adults OR boys not going to Summer Camp who wish to purchase a t-shirt, please complete the appropriate portion of the attached voucher and include $15.
For more Summer Camp info
2016-2017 Calendar
No Troop Meeting Aug 2
There will be no Troop meeting on Aug 2nd. The monthly PLC meeting will occur Aug 9. The PLC will meet from 7p-8:15p Aug 2 to plan the year.
Reminder: Meeting tonight at Swim Club
If your son is NOT going to summer camp but wants to come and have fun in the pool that would be great.
COH recap and up coming events
This is a recap of the information that Mr.Fitz provided at the Court of Honor on Tuesday (for those that missed or those that just need this in writing).
Medical Forms – due by June 28th
Summer uniform (class B) begins May 31
Summer camp pre-work – begin working on this now. If you need information, see Mr. Zack
Upcoming Events:
May 22nd 1:00 – 3:30 – Troop Operations Workshop (MSPC) – ALL PLC members are expected to attend
May 30th 9:30am Memorial Day March—meet behind the Middle School in full uniform
June ? Troop Meeting 6:30-8:30 – Madeira Swim Club – swim test, $2-5 non member
June 17-19 – Rafting Trip
June 26 – Madeira Criterium Bike Race – volunteer opportunity (more to come on this)
July 10-16 – summer camp
Reminder: Tonight is Court of Honor
Spring Court of Honor is tonight. Please plan to attend with the entire family and celebrate your Scout’s achievements. It will be held in the chapel of MSPC. Scouts should be in Dress Class A’s.