Category Archives: Merit Badges

Information relating to Merit Badges. Earning, registering, etc.

Troop registered for Merit Badge Challenge

The Troop has been registered for Merit Badge Challenge (thank you Mr. Zack). An e-mail was sent out to those with Scouts signed up for Merit Badge Challenge 2016. If you didn’t receive an email and were expecting to, please contact Mr Zack to get registered.

For those that received an email, please book all three Saturdays mornings (January 30, February 6 and February 20, 2016, and Snow Date February 27) into your family calendar to ensure that your Scout will be available. Most, if not all of the Merit Badges have pre-work that should be done PRIOR to the 1/30 date. The below merit badges have more significant requirements that will need to be addressed/started soon. Those with a 90 day requirement means that this piece will need to be started within the next few weeks. The pre-work information is attached. Boys can either get a merit badge booklet out of our closet (if available) OR look them up on-line ( to figure out what they need to work on ahead of time. Boys will be reminded of all this information in upcoming Troop meetings.

  • Merit Badges with significant requirements
    • Family Life – 90 days
    • Personal Management – 90 days
    • Citizenship – council meetings and other things that will need to be planned out in advance

If Scouts have ANY questions, they should see Mr. Zack at the next Troop Meeting.

MBC 2016 SycamreChoices – Prework

MBC Update.

Hello all,

Merit Badge Challenge (MBC) registration for the Sycamore location opens on October 15th. This is the location that our Troop will attend together on 1/30/16, 2/6/16 & 2/20/16. If these dates do not work for your son, there are other options throughout the city that Mr. Zack can help with information.

At the Troop meeting on Tuesday October 6th, all boys that plan to attend the Sycamore MBC with the Troop will be signing up for their Merit Badges. Attached is more information along with the form. IF boys want to complete the form ahead of time, that is fine, otherwise we will just do this during the troop meeting on 10/6. We ask that he at least spend a little time this weekend looking through the options and trying to decide what he would like to take. If your son is unable to attend the meeting on the 6th, the drop dead date for forms in 10/13. This will give Mr. Zack time to proof and organize the forms in order to attempt to get everyone their first choice when the registration system opens on 10/15. Mr. Zack will take care of ALL registrations for boys going to the Sycamore location, you do not need to do this on your own. Thanks Mr. Zack for taking on this huge task year after year.


MBC 2016 SycamreChoices

MBC 2016 – Troop 209 Registration Form

Merit Badge Challenge (Saturday 2/7, Saturday 2/21 and Saturday 2/28)

For those going to Merit Badge Challenge.

Saturday 2/7 – Merit Badge Challenge (Day 1). We will meet at MSPC at 7:30am to caravan to Sycamore High School. We should return to MSPC around 1:15pm. Boys will need 3 self-addressed stamp envelops, their pre-work, pen/pencil/old notebook and the merit badge book (if available). There is a concession stand that boys usually like to buy snacks/soda from, no more than $5 is necessary.

Saturday 2/21 and Saturday 2/28 – Merit Badge Challenge (Day 2 & 3). We will meet at MSPC at 7:45am to caravan to Sycamore High School. We should return to MSPC around 1:15pm. Boys will need 3 self-addressed stamp envelops (if not already handed into counselor), their pre-work (if applicable), pen/pencil/old notebook and the merit badge book (if available). There is a concession stand that boys usually like to buy snacks/soda from, no more than $5 is necessary.

NOTE – day 1 we need to be there a little early as that day there is more that needs to be communicated and such to all attendees. One of these dates, we will need to stay behind for 10-15 extra minutes to clean up in the classrooms. At this time I don’t know which day it will be I will let you know when we find out.


Let me know if you have any questions.
