The kickoff for this year’s sale is Feb 14, at our regular meeting. Scouts will get their mulch route, and order forms, and we’ll prep the letters, and go over the sales process. This is an important meeting for all scouts (and AOL Crossovers) to attend! The mulch delivery date is April 22.
Category Archives: Mulch
Mulch Delivery Postponed
Due to on-going govt restrictions on large groups we have postponed our Mulch delivery until May 9th. If you have questions or concerns please use our contact form to get a hold of us.
Troop 209 2018-2019 Calendar
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From the mulch team:
Saturday Apr 7th is the big mulch delivery! If you sold mulch this year you are expected to help deliver. Please be at the church for check-in by 8:00 AM this Saturday. Ensure that you have the proper clothing since it is going to be in the 40’s Saturday (Do NOTwear your uniform). Be prepared to get dirty. Also bring gloves, a water bottle, and an adult. Remember, you will receive 1/3 credit for selling, 1/3 credit for helping deliver, and the final 1/3 for having a parent or other adult help deliver.
We will be delivering mulch until it is gone (approx 4-5pm) and the more help that we have, the faster it goes. This is a fundraiser for the Scouts themselves as well as a team effort. By not helping, you are putting more burden on the other Scouts and parents to carry your load as the mulch still needs to be delivered. If you are arriving late, please check-in at the church parking lot to ensure that you get “delivery credit”. If you need to leave during the course of the day for another activity or event, please come back to the church lot when you finish and we can locate a delivery team for you to join.
Breakfast will be available around 8:00 AM and a full luxurious lunch will be served around noon as delivery teams rotate in.
If you have any questions please let us know!
Kevin + Christian
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* Be 14 years of age OR completed 8th Grade and be at least 13 years of age by date of departure
* Be First Class rank or higher by date of departure
Upcoming Events
Last call for mulch
Our mulch sale wraps up today. Please get all orders to our mulch coordinator ASAP. If you need to contact our mulch coordinators, please use the contact form on the mulch page.
Mulch Sale Begins Today
Our Mulch sale begins today. All orders need to be turned in by March 21. Delivery will be April 7.
Thank You
Troop 209 would like to thank Mr. Westermeyer and his team for organizing our mulch delivery day this past Saturday. Furthermore, we would like to thank all the parents who came out that day to help their sons with delivery and those who bought mulch this year. We hope to receive such generous support from our community in the future!
Last Call for Mulch Orders
All mulch orders (and payments) are due back tomorrow, 3/24, at the Troop Meeting. If your Scout is unable to attend the meeting, please make arrangements to drop off the orders at the meeting.