I know that Summer Camp 2015 is in July (7/12-7/18) but it is never too early to start planning. Boy Scouts of America require that each boy have an updated Medical form EVERY year. Attached is the form for this year. If you haven’t already, please begin to make your doctor appointments. There are no exceptions, boys cannot go to Summer Camp without a valid, physician signed, medical form AND proof of insurance. Please make sure when turning in the medical form you also attach a copy of your insurance card. All three parts must be completed. Please retain a copy for your records.
Also attached is an item that we are using again this year to help manage the payment of summer camp fees. Total cost for summer camp 2015 is $250 excluding extra fees for some merit badges. These extra fees will be communicated at a later point after the boys select their merit badges. Please use the attached voucher when submitting the payments. First payment is due by the January 20th.
Notes regarding payments — if you choose, you may pay the entire amount in the first payment. All payments must be turned in no later than the date on the voucher. Payments are sometimes non-refundable if your son decides that he doesn’t want to or can’t go to summer camp after signing up. Depending upon when we are notified, we may be able to refund all or a portion of the amount that has already been paid. If we know before the final payment is made to council, we can adjust some things and you would likely get a full refund. After the final payment to council, you would get back all but $85. If we receive notice within 30 days of camp, no refund is available. This is the Dan Beard Council policy.
We want all boys to attend summer camp, if the cost of summer camp is deterring your son from attending, please contact Mr. Fitzgerald privately to discuss options.
BSA Medical Form – ABC