August Camp out -Canoeing/Kayaking

Greetings All,
We will be canoeing/kayaking for our August camp out. Our destination will be Morgan’s Canoe and Outdoor Adventures. Forms are due by Aug 6th. This is a firm deadline because we have to reserve the boats. Everyone is able to do canoeing. Scouts that have reached First Class rank and are strong swimmers have the option to use a kayak. The number of kayakers is dependent on the availability of boats.

Morgan’s waiver:

*IMPORTANT DETAILS* : Please remember to complete both the 1) BSA Troop 209 CONSENT FORM and 2) MORGAN’S CANOE AND OUTDOOR ADVENTURES RELEASE OF LIABILITY. Your SCOUT should sign the waiver on the participant line. Forms are due by Aug 6th (This is a firm deadline because we have to reserve the boats).

Red River Gorge | April Camp out

Greetings all,
We will be travelling to Red River Gorge to do some rock climbing. Once again we will be staying at the farm property of a friend of the troop. This is a great camp out that we enjoy every year. It is a 3 hour drive to the gorge. If are willing to drive and camp, but don’t want to climb that is ok. Just note that on the form and your cost will be $0.

When: April 5-7

What: Rock Climbing

Where: Red River Gorge

Forms are due: Apr 2 – at the beginning of the meeting

Forms need:

-Troop consent form

-Southeast Mountain Guide Waiver

-a photocopy of the parent’s ID that signed the waiver


Greetings all,

Troop 209 will be having our lock-in at MSPC on Dec 14-15. Friday night we will head to Get Air to have some fun and on Saturday morning head to Hands against hunger to do a service project. We will wrap up around noon on Saturday so Scouts can get some studying done.
When: Dec 14 6pm- Dec 15 noon
Where: MSPC
Forms: Due by Tuesday Dec 11
Please turn in the Troop permission slip and the youth waiver. The HAH Registration form is for the adults attending the project.


Here is the link to Get Air’s online form for the Lock-in:

Fill out online waiver at

Nov 6th: Election Night

Reminder that today, Nov 6th, is election day. We will be meeting in the back room. Scouts should enter through the side door and not walk through the voting area set up in the Fellowship hall.

Troop 209 NEWS

This post covers:
Elections: Nominations
Elections – Date Change
Camp Conservation Day
Philmont 2017 – 50 miler award
Elections: Nominations
Nominations for the next Senior Patrol Leader is tomorrow (10/9).
Elections – Date Change
Originally we planed to have Troop elections on 10/16. They are now scheduled for 10/23. There is a choir concert on the 16th that a significant number of the boys are performing in.
Spook-o-ree is a halloween themed event for Cub Scouts and they are looking for Boy Scouts to volunteer. Volunteers get dinner, a staff t-shirt, and a patch. Oct 20th is the suggested date as the other overlaps our Oct camp out. More info: , click “Be on staff”. Scouts need to provide there own transportation.
Camp Conservation Day
Help maintain and improve Camp Freidlander. On Nov 10th is camp conservation day. Help plant trees, remove honeysuckle, etc. The event runs from 9am – 2pm and they provide lunch. The Troop will meet at MSPC at 8:15am and drive to Camp Friedlander and return around 2:30pm. This project counts as conservation hours.
Philmont 2017 – 50 miler award
Philmont crews from 2017, you have one last award you can complete. You have most of the 50 miler award done. All that’s left is to finish the conservation hours requirement. If you attend all of Camp Conservation day on Nov 10th you will complete the required hours.