August 2015 Dagaz Campout


Hope all the boys/adults have rested up from summer camp and are thinking about their next time to get out into the woods for another Scouting experience. Our August Campout will be zip line at Dagaz in Indiana. We have been there at least once in the past. Real nice zip course and an overall great experience and accommodations. Due to the compressed summer schedule where we don’t meet every week, I would like both forms and a copy of a driver’s license back on Tuesday July 28th. If this cannot be met due to vacation, please alert me AND make sure the form is turned in on August 11. Make sure to read the rules and regulations for Dagaz.

FYI – there is mention of tipping the guides. This has already been added into the cost of the trip, the boys WILL NOT need to bring any money for a tip.

Due Back – July 28th

  1. Dagaz Release Waiver
  2. Troop Consent Form
  3. Copy of signers driver’s license

Note – I will be on vacation without ANY phone or internet access from 7/31-8/7. Any Scout related questions will need to wait until I return on 8/8.


Dagaz – August 2015 – Consent Form

Dagaz Ziplining Rules & Regulations

Important Parent Meeting

As I announced at the Summer Camp Family Dinner last Friday, I am having a meeting on July 28th at 7PM.

Here are the details:

WHO:  At least 1 parent from each Scout’s Family

WHAT:  Madeira Directory & Financial Impact Informational Meeting

WHERE:  Madeira Silverwood Presbyterian Church – Sanctuary

WHEN:  July 28, 2015 @ 7:00PM  (there is no Scout Meeting July 21 OR Aug 4)

WHY:  This meeting is to give the Boy Scout Parents of Troop 209 a brief history of the Madeira Directory and its impact on troop operating expenses.  In addition, this meeting will discuss the future and possible replacement of the Directory as our fundraiser.

 I would greatly appreciate it if at least one parent could attend from each scout family.  This is a very important meeting and decisions made at this meeting will directly impact your scout.

See you Tuesday.


Tom Cross, Troop 209 Committee Chair

No meeting this week

We don’t have a meeting this week. Our next meeting is next Tuesday (7/28). Use this time to clean and put away any gear from summer camp you haven’t already put away. Remember this is your job and not your parents.

Summer Camp Update/Reminder!

Hello all,

We are less than two weeks away from what I know will be another excellent week of summer camp. Hopefully the weather takes it easy on us. Sorry for the length of this post, but I am trying to do this in all one post to avoid any confusion. Please provide this e-mail to your son after you read it.

In no specific order, below are details regarding Summer Camp 2015.

  1. Camp begins 7/12 – Boys should be at MSPC on Sunday 7/12 at noon to load up the trailer and trucks for departure. As always, we travel in FULL class A uniforms (full Class A includes Scout socks, Scout shorts/pants and the formal Scout shirt). Boys should eat lunch before leaving home.
  1. Camp ends 7/18 – We will return to MSPC around 10:00/10:30am. Boys need to stick around until they are dismissed as there will be equipment that needs to be put in the storage trailer.
  1. Merit Badge/Activities – Boys will want to bring a notebook and several pens/pencils to camp. The notebook can be a used one from last year’s school, no need to run out and buy a brand new one as it won’t be used a lot but many courses will require pen/paper at some point during the week. Pre-work should also be brought with them.
  1. Troop Party – Wednesday 7/15 will the annual Troop Party at camp. The theme is Wacky Hat Wednesday. This will be discussed at an upcoming Troop Meeting. This is for the boys, parents are not invited.
  1. Family Night – Friday 7/17 will be family night starting at 5:30/5:45pm. Parents and siblings are welcomed. We will have subs, chips, cookies and drinks. We plan to  meet at the Trailblazer shelter, which is the largest shelter in the middle of camp. Shelters are not permitted to be reserved, we appreciate your flexibility if our plan does not work out.  Summer camp ends Saturday morning, boys are not to come home with you on Friday night. After dinner you can tour the camp with your son and then attend the closing campfire. RSVP forms were sent out on 6/22 and due back on 7/7.
  1. Mailing Address — Use for sending packages/letters/postcards. Reminder, postcards will be read aloud to the Troop, so make them funny. If sending snacks, please only send enough snacks that could be eaten in one day.

Scout’s Name

Troop 209, Chippewa Campsite

Camp Friedlander

581 Ibold Road

Loveland, OH 45140

  1. Money for camp — Other than a few kits or a rocket for a merit badges, boys should not need more than $20-$25 for the week of camp. The trading post has lots of junk food and I understand this is very tempting. The boys eat all their meals in the mess hall and there is plenty of food. We will also have treats in our campsite 2 nights during the week. Please do not send lots of money to camp, this has only caused issues in the past. If your son wants a t-shirt or something more expensive from camp they can purchase when you come out on Friday.
  1. Adults in Camp — The adults that will be at camp are me (all week), Jeff Taylor (all week), Tim Zack (1/2 week), Jake Taylor (1/2 week) Greg Kyser (1/2 week), Dave Zubelik (1/2 week).
  1. Elements of Danger (hold harmless)– this form (attached) will need to be turned in by the day we leave for camp if your son is participating in COPE, ACE, Climbing merit badge or has any hint of wanting to maybe use the climbing tower during open climb. The following boys are required to turn this in because of their selected activity – Cross, Dinan,  E. Good, Kimbrough, Krikorian, N. Lewis, Magenheim, Miller.
  1. Newer Information –  Boys in Metal Work will need to wear boots or leather tennis shoes to their session. Boys in COPE will need long pants for Thurs/Fri.
  1. Don’t Forget – 2 pairs of boots/shoes, rain gear, sun screen, bug spray, Frisbee (optional), Handbook, notebook, pens/pencils, money for trading post. OA members, there is a big 100th year celebration on Thursday, bring your sash. Boys will not need their cell phones, please help them leave it at home.
  1. Social Media – Camp is going to have a greater presence on social media to share information and photos during the week. Facebook –,  twitter — @CampFriedlander, Instagram — @DBC_Camp_Friedlander, flikr – DBC_Camp_Friedlander




Permission Form for Canoeing trip-2015


Attached is the permission form AND separate canoeing waiver. Both are required to be completed and returned along with a copy of the driver’s license of the parent who signed the form. We need these back by the 6/9 Troop meeting, absolute drop dead date is 6/16.

Please note that we plan to canoe both Saturday AND Sunday which is different than the past years. Since it is the summer, I wanted to take advantage of the kids not having school work to rush back for and therefore we will not be back until late afternoon on Sunday. We are shooting for around 4:00 but that may change either way depending upon how slow or fast we canoe on Sunday. We are going to Hocking Hills which is several hours away which obviously adds to the return time as well.

As mentioned at the Court of Honor, we will be missing many of our regular adult campers due to Philmont or other commitments and thus I believe we will need several additional adults to join in the weekend. Please consider camping with us for the weekend and enjoying the experience of being a kid again. Along with marking the appropriate box on the Troop permission form PLEASE e-mail me directly if you (ADULT) plan to go. I need to know who our drivers are for some additional administrative tasks that I need to do with Council office ASAP since we are leaving the Council area.




Consent Form (2) – Hocking Hills Canoe 6-19-15

Hocking Hills Canoeing release

June/2/2015 Meeting


Our June 2 Troop meeting will be held at the Madeira Swim club 6:30pm-8:30pm. We will be doing the swim test. All boys that are going canoeing and/or going to summer camp and have any intention of getting in the water at camp should attend this meeting to get the swim test completed. Waiting until summer camp to do the test is not ideal as you will be waiting in line with hundreds of other boys. The test won’t take that long and then the boys will have the rest of the time to enjoy the pool. This will be free for members and $2 for non-members (thanks Scott Blackwelder for negotiating a deal).

If your son is unable to attend due to vacation or illness, we will have a makeup date before we go to camp once we know the number of boys that were unable to attend tomorrow.



Upcoming events

May 31 1:00 – 3:30 – Troop Operations Workshop (MSPC) – ALL members of the PLC should be in attendance, even if you have been there before

June 2 – PLC meeting at 5:45 at Madeira Swim Club (unless we can get the month planned at the Troop Operation Workshop)

June 2 – Troop Meeting 6:30-8:30 – Madeira Swim Club – swim test, (usually it is $5 non-member, working to get confirmation on this, plan on $5)

June 19-21 – Canoe Trip – 1.5 days, Hocking Hills (will most likely need additional parent attendance as will be missing several regular camping adults due to Philmont trip)

June 28 – Madeira Criterium Bike Race – volunteer opportunity. We will have a signup sheet as we get closer to the event

July 12-18 – summer camp, parents night Friday, more information as we get closer

Troop Reminders

Troop Reminders

  1. We will be marching in Madeira’s Memorial Day March. Meet at Madeira Middle School parking lot between 9:30am-9:45am. The March starts at 10am. Scouts should wear their Class A uniform.
  2. Med form for Summer Camp – Please make an appointment with your Doctor to get your med form updated. Summer Camp requires a doctor signed med form to attend. Need a form?
  3. Summer Uniforms – Starting June 2nd Scouts can wear their Class B uniform to meetings. Class B = scout t-shirt, scout pants/shorts, and scout socks.
  4. Complete your Merit Badge challenge badges. We received 18 out of 60 possible blue cards back for MBC. If you are done, turn in your blue card to Mr Zack. If you have a partial, work to get it done. If you haven’t recieved your blue card yet, please let Mr. Zack know and he can help track it down.
  5. Save the date – June 28, we will once again be helping with the MADEIRA CRITERIUM bike race. Please save the date. More details to come.

Red River Gorge 2015